
The Role of Government Involvement in Real Estate Development

A real estate development project requires a large investment of capital. Most developers will not be able to finance the project on their own and need to find investors. It is important to have a track record of past successful real estate projects to attract investors. In addition, it is important to have a solid portfolio to present potential investors.

Consulting firms

Real estate development consulting firms provide an array of services to developers and investors. They can help determine how to price units and when to release them to the market. They can also help to mitigate the risks and out-of-pocket costs of development. Consultants can also identify potential hurdles to a development project, such as obtaining approval from a local council or a fiscal impact study. Ultimately, consultants want to maximize profit for the developer.

Consulting firms for real estate development rely on their industry connections to provide reliable information. They also work to ensure that developers work with the best possible team to achieve their goals. In today’s competitive marketplace, this type of service is essential.


Banks are increasing their lending to the real estate development industry, owing to the increasing housing prices. This is positive for the housing market, and therefore, the banking industry. Liang and Cao have made similar observations, discussing the expansion of credit to both sides of real estate. Nevertheless, some concerns remain.

In China, the banking sector is closely linked to the real estate industry. In fact, banks provide almost 60% of the funding for the real estate industry in the country. In addition, local governments and real estate development enterprises rely heavily on banks for development funds. According to the Specialized Statistical Analysis Team of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the banking sector has fueled real estate investment. This Bill Bhangal  has been accompanied by the increasing housing prices and high liquidity.


Government involvement in real estate development is a controversial topic in the world of economics. While free market advocates argue against government intervention, there are well-founded reasons why such policies are often necessary. This article reviews some of the common methods of government intervention in real estate, including taxation, zoning, minimum and maximum price policies, and licensing of market participants. It also examines the role of financial institutions in the real estate market.

Government involvement in real estate development can solve a variety of challenges in a community. For example, public and private entities can work together to provide affordable housing to lower-income residents. In Aspen, for example, extensive subsidized housing is available, but the town still needs more affordable options.