
Typical applications of rubber expansion joints

When it comes to rubber expansion joints, there are a number of things that you need to know. First, we’ll cover the material properties of these joints. Next, we’ll look at typical applications and accessories. Then, we’ll look at the types of joints available and their associated calculations. Finally, we’ll look at the benefits and drawbacks of each type of joint.

Concurrent movement calculation for rubber expansion joints

To determine the amount of movement required by a rubber expansion joint, you must know the axial, lateral and angular movements. These movements often occur at the same time, so you will need to calculate the number of concurrent movements. You can calculate the amount of movement needed by multiplying the axial and lateral movements by the corresponding percentage of the non-concurrent movement. The sum of these percentage values should not exceed one, or else the joint will not be able to handle the load.

Rubber expansion joints are often used to reduce noise and vibration while accepting thermal and piping movements. Recent advances in engineered elastomers have allowed manufacturers to create more efficient expansion joints. These components benefit both new and existing construction. They can also be installed in offset and misaligned applications. Additionally, they can minimize cost of installation.

Material properties of rubber expansion joints

The material properties of rubber expansion joints are important for the proper functioning of these components. The material should be capable of absorbing vibration and being pliable. The properties of rubber are also excellent for preventing leaks, contamination, and the loss of material. Denver Rubber Company uses rubber compounds that are resistant to many materials and chemicals.

Rubber expansion joints are designed to absorb excessive forces within piping systems. They have several uses in different industries, including nuclear power plants. They also improve the efficiency of engineered processes. In addition, they are lightweight and flexible, making them an ideal choice for various applications. Rubber expansion joints also help dampen excessive noise and vibrations that can be generated by rotating machinery.

There https://evrproducts.com/products/rubber-expansion-joints/ are several different types of expansion joints. Some are designed for use at a higher temperature than others. Depending on their type, they are rated for a range of temperatures between 200 and 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Typically, these joints last between seven and ten years. However, if improperly installed, these joints can be rendered useless.

Choosing the right type of elastomer for your particular application is important. Different elastomers are compatible with varying liquids, gases, and abrasive slurries. The proper elastomer will depend on the type of media the joint will be exposed to. For example, natural or pure gum rubber is the best choice for applications exposed to abrasive materials, while synthetic Nitrile rubber is best for applications involving raw sewage and hot air.

Accessories for rubber expansion joints

Accessories for rubber expansion joints are designed to add a variety of benefits. These components are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. They can help to eliminate the need for nuts installed on inside flanges and can make the joint much longer overall. The Compression Sleeve is a simple yet effective solution that can reduce the risk of cracking the root of the expansion joint.

Accessories for rubber expansion joints include tie rods, retaining rings, control units, and metal flow liners. These devices are designed to prevent damage due to excessive pipe movements. They are not meant to replace pipeline anchoring, but they do provide additional security. Another important accessory is a metal flow liner, which extends the life of a tube and is installed at the head of flow. These liners have a 5-degree taper.